#ifndef SHA3_H
#define SHA3_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
#define SHA3_ROUNDS 24
/* The sha3 state is a 5x5 matrix of 64-bit words. In the notation of
Keccak description, S[x,y] is element x + 5*y, so if x is
interpreted as the row index and y the column index, it is stored
in column-major order. */
#define SHA3_STATE_LENGTH 25
/* The "width" is 1600 bits or 200 octets */
struct sha3_state {
uint64_t a[SHA3_STATE_LENGTH];
void sha3_permute (struct sha3_state *state);
unsigned _sha3_update (struct sha3_state *state, unsigned block_size, uint8_t *block,
unsigned pos, size_t length, const uint8_t *data);
void _sha3_pad (struct sha3_state *state, unsigned block_size, uint8_t *block, unsigned pos);
typedef struct {
struct sha3_state state;
unsigned index;
uint8_t block[200];
int mdlen, blksize;
} sha3_ctx_t;
// OpenSSL - like interfece
int sha3_init(sha3_ctx_t *c, int mdlen); // mdlen = hash output in bytes
int sha3_update(sha3_ctx_t *c, const void *data, size_t len);
int sha3_final(void *md, sha3_ctx_t *c); // digest goes to md
// compute a sha3 hash (md) of given byte length from "in"
void *sha3(const void *in, size_t inlen, void *md, int mdlen);
#endif /* SHA3_H */