Welcome to little lamb

About lila...

lila (or little lamb for long) is the "umbrella" name I've chosen to use for my open-source contributions. Because having a name is cool, I guess.


I'm a free software enthusiast by the name of Olivier Brunel (I also go by jjacky sometimes) who's been starring at a screen since the (late) eighties or so - because I'm (that) old, apparently.

Long story short, after a few years being AFK because of that thing sometimes referred to as real life, I'm cleaning the dust off of my keyboard and will use this little place of the internet to share things. (Not the dust, other things. Hopefully cleaner things.)

It isn't impossible that every once in a while I find enough motivation in my procrastination to deliver a blog post or two.

In addition, whatever code I contribute should find its way onto this place, so it can be read online. Of course public git repository are clonable if you'd rather do that.

About all code should be released under the GPLv2, but most if not all projects should include proper licensing information. This covers both git repos, the online code as well as the HTML generated documentation, since I'll do my best to document whatever I'm working on. (No guarantees though.)

As for the posts on this site they are released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

If you want to contact me don't hesitate, a good old email is the way to go about :


Thank yous & Credits