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CSS-only fixed header & proper anchor positions


Possibly you know the drill, if you've ever wanted to make something like a fixed header in CSS - which usually it's easy enough with a position: fixed; - then you're anchors are all wrong.

By wrong I mean whenever linking into one on the page, the browser will place it on top of the window, as one might expect, only it does so without taking into account that fixed header of yours, and so the anchor gets positioned/scrolled right behind it, which ain't so nice.

Plenty of such issues do exist on the interwebs, with solutions that commonly end with using negative margin and/or padding. But there's much simpler !

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Talk About the Compression...


For a project I'm working on, I've had to add compression support, and so came the question of which algorithm to use. Now I didn't have to fully answer that one, because I did add support for more than one and thus ultimately it will come to to the user to make itw own decision.

Note that this wasn't a cop out move, but dependeing on whether you're more interested in speed or size, the answer won't be the same.

Still, which one is "better" ? Which is faster, which compresses more ? And by how much ? Let's find out...

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Begin the begin...


We do need to start somewhere/sometime, so here we go. As life went I have basically been AFK for the last few years, but as I am returning in front of my keyboard this old idea/project of mine keeps lurking, and this will be the place I keep track of what I'm doing.

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