/* This file is part of limb https://lila.oss/limb
* Copyright (C) 2023 Olivier Brunel jjk@jjacky.com */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
#include <unistd.h> /* isatty() */
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <limb/output.h>
#define ANSI_BOLD "\x1B[1m"
#define ANSI_BOLD_YELLOW "\x1B[1;33m"
#define ANSI_YELLOW "\x1B[0;33m"
#define ANSI_BLUE "\x1B[0;36m"
#define ANSI_OFF "\x1B[0m"
static void
putline(const char *line, size_t len, size_t sp, const char *suffix, size_t slen,
size_t col, int tty)
sp += col - len - 11;
char buf[sp];
memset(buf, ' ', sp);
obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, line, len);
obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, buf, sp);
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_BLUE, strlen(ANSI_BLUE));
obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, suffix, slen);
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_OFF, strlen(ANSI_OFF));
obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, "\n", 1);
lila_dieversion(const char *version, const char *yearbeg, const char *yearend,
const char *author, const char *url, const char *license, int is_lila)
int tty = isatty(buffer_1->fd);
size_t l;
struct winsize ws = { 0 };
ioctl(buffer_1->fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
/* some default */
if (!ws.ws_col) ws.ws_col = 80;
/* just a visual thing */
if (ws.ws_col > 60) ws.ws_col -= 4;
size_t vlen = strlen(version);
size_t yblen = strlen(yearbeg);
size_t yelen = strlen(yearend);
int has_ye = yblen != yelen || strcmp(yearbeg, yearend);
#define VERSION " version "
#define COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) "
#define LICENSE \
"License GPL-2.0. This is free software:\n" \
"you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" \
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
l = strlen(PROG);
/* we need at least 56 cols, otherwise don't bother */
if (!is_lila || ws.ws_col < 56 || l + strlen(" version ") + vlen >= ws.ws_col)
outdie(0, PROG, " version ", version, "\n",
"Copyright (C) ", yearbeg,
(has_ye) ? "-" : "", (has_ye) ? yearend : "", " ", author, "\n",
url, "\n",
(!license) ? "\n" LICENSE : license);
char line[ws.ws_col];
size_t len = 0;
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_BOLD_YELLOW, strlen(ANSI_BOLD_YELLOW));
memcpy(line, PROG, l); len += l;
l = strlen(VERSION); memcpy(line + len, VERSION, l); len += l;
memcpy(line + len, version, vlen); len += vlen;
putline(line, len, 7, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_BLUE, strlen(ANSI_BLUE));
putline(url, strlen(url), 5, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
putline("", 0, 3, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
len = 0;
l = strlen(COPYRIGHT); memcpy(line + len, COPYRIGHT, l); len += l;
memcpy(line + len, yearbeg, yblen); len += yblen;
if (has_ye) {
line[len++] = '-';
memcpy(line + len, yearend, yelen); len += yelen;
line[len++] = ' ';
l = strlen(author); memcpy(line + len, author, l); len += l;
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_YELLOW, strlen(ANSI_YELLOW));
putline(line,len, 5, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
putline("", 0, 1, "* * *", 10, ws.ws_col, tty);
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_BOLD, strlen(ANSI_BOLD));
obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, LICENSE, 16);
if (tty) obuffer_put(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, ANSI_OFF, strlen(ANSI_OFF));
putline(LICENSE + 16, 23, 5, "*", 1, ws.ws_col - 16, tty);
putline(LICENSE + 16 + 23 + 1, 43, 3, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
putline(LICENSE + 16 + 23 + 1 + 43 + 1, 45, 5, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
putline(LICENSE + 16 + 23 + 1 + 43 + 1 + 45 + 1, 7, 7, "*", 1, ws.ws_col, tty);
obuffer_putmsgdie(obuffer_1, OLVL_NORMAL, (const char * const []) { PUTMSG_FLUSH }, 1, 0);