limb 0.2.0


limb manual


patrim_put, patrim_get, patrim_isblob, patrim_isint, patrim_isshldata - encode/decode data in PATRIM format


#include <limb/patrim.h>
int patrim_put(char *dst, size_t dlen, size_t offset, u64 id, u64 u)
int patrim_get(u64 *id, u64 *u, const char *data, size_t dlen, size_t offset)

int patrim_isblob(u64 id)
int patrim_isint(u64 id)
int patrim_isshldata(u64 id)


The patrim_put() function will encode into the memory pointed by dst of length dlen, starting at byte offset, the data for the given id and its associated value or length, u.

So u must be either the value if id represents an integer, or the length of the blob if id represents a blob. The actual data/blob content should obviously be added afterwards.

The patrim_get() function will read the memory pointed by data, starting at byte offset and not going past dlen bytes, decoding PATRIM-encoded data and placing the ID in the memory pointed by id and either the value of data length, depending whether the ID of that of an integer or a blob respectively, into the memory pointed by u.

The patrim_isblob() macro returns 1 if the id if that of a blob, zero otherwise.

The patrim_isint() macro returns 1 if the id if that of an integer, zero otherwise.

The patrim_isshldata() macro returns 1 if the id is one that belongs to the "shielded data" protocol - as described in shldata(5). Note that this only applies when e.g. reading a shielded data file.


On success the patrim_put() and patrim_get() functions return the number of bytes written into dst or read from data, respectively. Otherwise - meaning not enough bytes could be written or read - they return -1.

The patrim_isblob() and patrim_isint() macros return 1 id id represents a blob or an integer, respectively, otherwise they return 0.

The patrim_isshldata() macro returns 1 if id belongs to the shielded data protocol, 0 otherwise. Note that this is only applicable when e.g. reading a shielded data file.

limb 0.1.0