limb 0.2.0


limb manual


u64_fmt, u64_fmtg, u64_0fmt - write an u64 as decimal value into a byte array

u64_xfmt, u64_0xfmt - write an u64 as hexadecimal value into a byte array

u64_ofmt, u64_0ofmt - write an u64 as octal value into a byte array

u64_bfmt, u64_0bfmt - write an u64 as binary value into a byte array


#include <limb/u64.h>
size_t u64_fmt(char *s, u64 u)
size_t u64_0fmt(char *s, u64 u, size_t min)

size_t u64_fmtg(char *s, u64 u)
size_t u64_0fmtg(char *s, u64 u, size_t min)

size_t u64_xfmt(char *s, u64 u)
size_t u64_0xfmt(char *s, u64 u, size_t min)

size_t u64_ofmt(char *s, u64 u)
size_t u64_0ofmt(char *s, u64 u, size_t min)

size_t u64_bfmt(char *s, u64 u)
size_t u64_0bfmt(char *s, u64 u, size_t min)


The u64_fmt() macro will write into s the value of u in decimal. The u64_0fmt() macro will write into s the value of u in decimal, prefixing it with leading zeroes if it requires less than min characters to do so.

The u64_fmtg() and u64_0fmtg() macros are similar, only they will use a coma (,) as thousand separator as needed.

The u64_xfmt() and u64_0xfmt() macros are similar, only putting the value of u in hexadecimal.

The u64_ofmt() and u64_0ofmt() macros are similar, only putting the value of u in octal.

The u64_bfmt() and u64_0bfmt() macros are similar, only putting the value of u in binary.

It is possible to use NULL as s to only have length computation performed.

Generic functions

Note that those are macros to u64_fmt_generic(3) and u64_0fmt_generic(3).


Some constants are available if needed, e.g. to allocate a buffer large enough :


Maximum number of char needed to hold a decimal string


Maximum number of char needed to hold a thousand-separated decimal string


Maximum number of char needed to hold an hexadecimal string


Maximum number of char needed to hold an octal string


Maximum number of char needed to hold a binary string

Note that all of those include an extra char for a proper NUL-terminated string.


All of these return the length of the string written into s, or required to do so when s is NULL

limb 0.1.0